Tuesday, May 19, 2020
What You Can Learn From the FHLC
The Family History Library Catalog, the gem of the Family History Library, describes over 2 million rolls of microfilm and hundreds of thousands of books and maps. It does not contain the actual records, however, only descriptions of them - but is an important step in the digital genealogy process for learning about what records might be available for your area of interest. The records described in the Family History Library Catalog (FHLC) come from throughout the world. This catalog is also available on CD and microfiche at the Family History Library and at local Family History Centers, but to have it available for searching online is of amazing benefit. You can do much of your research from home at whatever time is convenient and, therefore, maximize your research time at your local Family History Center (FHC). To access the online version of the Family History Library Catalog go to the Familysearch homepage (www.familysearch.org) and select Library Catalog from the Library navigation tab at the top of the page. Here you are presented with the following options: Place Search - Use this option to find catalog entries about a place or for records from a place.Surname Search - Use this option to find catalog entries about records that include a specific surname, such as written family histories.Keyword Search - Use this option to find catalog entries about records that contain a certain word or phrase. You can use this to search for keywords in titles, authors, places, series, and subjects.Title Search - Use this option to find catalog entries about records that contain a certain word or combination of words in the title.Film/Fiche Search - Use a Film/Fiche Search to find the titles of items on a specific microfilm or microfiche in the Family History Library Catalog.Author Search - Use an Author Search to find the Author Details record for a person, church, society, government agency, and so forth identified as an author of a specific reference. The Author Details record lists titles linked to the author and may include notes and references.Cal l Number Search - Use a Call Number Search to find an item by its call number (the number used to locate items on the shelves in the Family History Library or the FamilySearch Center). Lets start with the place search, as this is the one that we find the most useful. The place search screen contains two boxes: PlacePart of (optional) In the first box, type the place you want to find entries for. We would suggest that you start your search with a very specific place name, such as a city, town or county. The Family History Library contains a huge amount of information and if you search on something broad (such as a country) you will end up with too many results to wade through. The second field is optional. Since many places have the same names, you can limit your search by adding a jurisdiction (a larger geographic area that includes your search location) of the place you want to find. For example, you can add the state name in the second box after entering a county name in the first box. If you do not know the name of the jurisdiction, then just search on the location name itself. The catalog will return a list of all jurisdictions which contain that particular place name and you can then select the one which best meets your expectations. Place Search Tips Keep in mind while searching, that the names of the countries in the FHL catalog are in English, but the names of the states, provinces, regions, cities, towns and other jurisdictions are in the language of the country in which they are located. Place Search will only find the information if it is part of the place-name. For example, if we searched for North Carolina in the above example, our results list would show places named North Carolina (there is only one - the U.S. State of N.C.), but it would not list places in North Carolina. To see places that are part of North Carolina, select View Related Places. The next screen would display all counties in North Carolina. To see the towns in one of the counties, you would click on the county, then click View Related Places again. The more specific you make your search, the shorter your lists of results will be. If you have trouble finding a specific location, dont just conclude that the catalog does not have records for that place. There are many reasons why you may be having difficulties. Before you give up your search, be sure to try the following strategies: Be sure you typed the place-name correctly.If you qualified your search with another jurisdiction, try the search again without this qualification.Search for records using a larger jurisdiction. For example, if you cannot find records for a town, search for county records. Once you locate the place for which you are looking, you will be presented with a list of places. If you qualified your search with another jurisdiction, the list should be short. If you did not qualify your search, the list may be long. If the list shows the place you want, click on the place-name to see the Place Details record. This records usually contain the following items: View Related Places - Clicking on this button will give you a list of other places you might be interested in.Notes - A few historical facts and details about the placeTopics - A list of topics for which records are available that relate to the place that you are looking for. This list might include such topics as: biographies, cemeteries, census records, church records, guardianship records, history, land and property records, maps, military history, tax records, vital records, voting records, etc. To best explain what is available in the Family History Library Catalog, it is easiest to take you step-by-step through a search. Begin by doing a place search for Edgecombe. The only result will be for Edgecombe County, North Carolina - so next select this option. From the list of available topics for Edgecombe County, North Carolina, we are first going to select Bible Records, as this is the first source which the Catalog Helper suggested for information on our great, great grandmothers maiden name. The next screen which comes up lists the titles and authors available for the topic which we selected. In our case, there is only one Bible Record entry listed. Topic: North Carolina, Edgecombe - Bible recordsTitles: Bible records of early Edgecombe Williams, Ruth Smith Click on one of your result titles to learn more information. Now you are given the complete catalog entry of the title you selected. [blockquote shadeyes]Title: Bible records of early EdgecombeStmnt.Resp.: by Ruth Smith Williams and Margarette Glenn GriffinAuthors: Williams, Ruth Smith (Main Author) Griffin, Margarette Glenn (Added Author)Notes: Includes index.Subjects: North Carolina, Edgecombe - Vital records North Carolina, Edgecombe - Bible recordsFormat: Books/Monographs (On Fiche)Language: EnglishPublication: Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1992Physical: 5 microfiche reels; 11 x 15 cm. If this title has been microfilmed, the View Film Notes button appears. Click on it to see a description of the microfilm(s) or microfiche and to obtain microfilm or microfiche numbers for ordering the film through your local Family History Center. Most items can be ordered for viewing at your local Family History Center, though a few cannot due to licensing regulations. Before ordering microfilms or microfiche, please check the Notes field for your title. Any restrictions on the use of the item will be mentioned there. [blockquote shadeyes] Title: Bible records of early EdgecombeAuthors: Williams, Ruth Smith (Main Author) Griffin, Margarette Glenn (Added Author)Note: Bible records of early EdgecombeLocation: Film FHL US/CAN Fiche 6100369 Congratulations! Youve found it. The FHL US/CAN Fiche number in the lower right-hand corner is the number which you will need to order this film from your local family history center. Place search is probably the most useful search for the FHLC, as the librarys collection is primarily organized by location. There are several other search options open to you, however. Each of these searches has a specific purpose for which it is very useful. The searches do not allow wildcard characters (*), but do allow you to type in only part of a search term (i.e. Cri for Crisp): Surname Search A surname search is primarily used to find published family histories. It will not find surnames listed in individual microfilm records such as census records. A surname search will provide you with a list of titles of catalog entries tied to surnames that match your search and the main author for each title. Some of the published family histories are only available in book form and have not been microfilmed. Books listed in the Family History Library Catalog cannot be sent to Family History Centers. You can request that a book is microfilmed, however (ask a staff member at your FHC for help), but this may take several months if the library has to obtain copyright permission to do so. It may be faster to try to obtain the book elsewhere, such as a public library or from the publisher. Author Search This search is primarily used to find catalog entries by or about a certain person, organization, church, etc. The author search finds records which include the name you typed as the author or the subject, so it is especially useful for finding biographies and autobiographies. If you are looking for a person, type the surname in the Surname or Corporate Name box. Unless you have a very rare surname, we would also type all or part of the first name in the First Name box to help limit your search. If you are looking for an organization, type all or part of the name into the Surname or Corporate box. Film/Fiche Search Use this search to find the titles of items on a specific microfilm or microfiche. It is a very exact search and will only return the titles on the particular microfilm or microfiche number that you input. The results will include an item summary and the author for each item on the microfilm. The Film Notes may contain a more detailed description of what is on the microfilm or microfiche. To view this additional information, select the title and then click on View Film Notes. Film/Fiche search is especially useful for finding the records available on a film/fiche which is listed as a reference in Ancestral File or the IGI. We also use the film/fiche search to look for additional background on any film we plan to order because sometimes the film/fiche search will include references to other relevant microfilm numbers. Call Number Search Use this search if you know the call number of a book or other printed source (maps, periodicals, etc.) and want to learn more about what records it contains. On a book’s label, call numbers are usually printed on two or more lines. To include both lines of the call number in your search, type in the information from the top line, then a space, and then the information from the bottom line. Unlike other searches, this one is case-sensitive, so be sure to type in upper and lower case letters where appropriate. Call number search is probably the least used of all of the searches, but can still be very useful in cases where people list an item and its call number as a reference source without any indication to the information which it contains. The online Family History Library Catalog is a window to the two million plus records (print and microfilm) which the Family History Library maintains in its collection. For those of us around the world who cant easily make it to Salt Lake City, UT, it is absolutely invaluable both as an avenue for research and as a learning tool. Practice using the different searches and play around with different techniques and you may find yourself amazed at the things you find.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Media s Influence On Children - 889 Words
Mass media is the media a person sees or hears in magazines, television, radio, etc. Media images is what a person sees with their own eyes. A person can see media images through social media, the computer, television, magazines and anything else a person can see with their eyes. Gender socialization is how a person sees media. A person in any gender contributes how they see media through their expectations and attitudes. Media plays a large roll through a person’s life. Media affects the way a person’s sees themselves, how they may see the world around them, and how they think they should look or feel. The media is affecting younger children through advertisements, even their toys. Children are affected through the media by showing them what they should be playing with and how they should be acting. For example advertisements show girl children playing with Barbie’s, dolls, kitchen sets, laundry play sets, pink Legos, dancing, coloring, etc. While, adve rtisements show boy children playing with trucks, working with their tool sets, playing in the mud, helping their dads work on cars, rapping, etc. The media tries to form children into what they think is the social norm. Media shows that it’s not okay for a boy to be playing with girl toys and it’s not okay for girls to be playing with boy toys. Although, in today’s media there is more of an acceptance of boys and girls playing with toys of the opposite gender. Although, children are widely affected throughShow MoreRelatedThe Media s Influence On Children876 Words  | 4 Pages The media, including movies, television, video games, and more, is an extraordinarily prevalent entity in everyday life. Media displays many distorted images of real life, yet presents it as the ideal image of life. Those who watch the media are highly susceptible to forming false beliefs about what behavior trends are acceptable. Those who are most susceptible are children who are still forming schemas and experiencing schema accommodation; unfortunately, children between the ages of 2 and 11Read MoreMedia Influences On Children s Life1742 Words  | 7 PagesMedia influences through many types of communication systems and has a massive effect on people’s life, but are Americans fully aware that food industries generally targets children? The lawsuit brought by two teenagers, Ms. Bradley a 19 years old, weighs 270 pounds, Ms. Pelman a 14 years old, weighs 170 pounds, was whether McDonald’s was responsible for their obesity because McDonald’s did not provide the necessary information about the health risks associated with its meals that they eat. 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I will discuss and explore how media comes into effect and examine how media images influence children s self-image. My title will likely be: Ticking Time Bomb: The Early Onset of Sexualized Bodies. In our society we are conditioning children to be obsessed with theirRead MoreThe Impact Of Social Media On Children s Influe nce On The Social Network1075 Words  | 5 Pagessocial connection and their loved one’s influence. Proactive health measures tend to have better outcomes when a wider range of social networks are combined (Kennedy et al. 2016). Networks that are offered through the internet erase many obstacles by creating a social medium that reaches out to a larger audience and target specific groups (Van Kessel, Kavanagh and Maher 2016). Networks that provided organizational interventions had the ability to influence professionals’ interactions within theirRead MoreSocialization As Mass Media, Influence Children s Ideologies On How They Should Act891 Words  | 4 Pagesbecause it demonstrates how certain agents of socialization, particularly mass media, influence children’s ideologies on how they should act, look and feel. This ideology and contribution of social norms is supported by the article, from CBC news, suggesting how a teenage girl wants to â€Å"quit†social media in order to live in the real world. She went on to explain the reason for quitting her elite position on social media was for her 12-year-old self and how at that young age, all she wanted in lifeRead MoreMass Media Is An Integral Part Of Everyday Life989 Words  | 4 PagesMass media is an integral part of everyday life. Society depends on the various forms of media for information, education, and personal entertainme nt. Mass media positively and negatively influences beliefs, values, and expands knowledge to bring awareness to various social events. Media also impacts the way children and adolescences understanding of violence, racism, suicide, aggression, and sexual stereotyping. If viewing these portrayals is accepted, then mass media does in fact negativelyRead MoreObesity : The Disease Of The 21st Century947 Words  | 4 Pagesthe world s population now considered to be overweight or obese. There are many factors in today’s society that contribute to this growing epidemic including media, technology and demographics. With the media having more influence over our daily habits now more than ever, it is extremely easy to slip into a lifestyle that will lead to weight related health issues. By examining the ways the media influences our daily lives, one can see that the media began as a bad influence for our unhealthyRead MoreThe Effects Of Media Violence On People1388 Words  | 6 PagesEffect of Media Violence on People Media violence impacts the physical aggression of human beings. It is one of the many potential factors that influence the risk for violence and aggression. Research has proven that aggression in children will cause the likelihood of aggression in their adulthood. Theories have evolved that the violence present in the media most likely teaches the viewer to be more violent. It is a risky behavior that is established from the childhood. Furthermore, media violenceRead MoreEssay on The Impact of Media on Teenagers985 Words  | 4 Pages The media is a huge part in everyones lives and they have a great influence on the actions we partake in on a daily basis. Though adults dont usualy fall into the pressure of the media, young children and teenagers ae highly sussestable to what the media is telling them to do and whats cool. A major action glorified by the media is smoking and it pressures minors to take up the horrible habit as an attempt to be happy or some how be like their favori te celebrity. Media and holly wood especially
Variance Analysis and Flexible Budget
Question: Discuss about the Variance Analysis and Flexible Budget. Answer: Introduction The increased competition has forced the organizations to put in extra efforts to control the cost and improve the financial performance of the business (Berger, 2011). In the context of this, the report presented here deals with the analysis of the financial performance of Wildwood Creations Ltd for the financial year 2015-16. Comparing the budgeted figures against the actual, an extensive analysis has been performed to find out the variances and the reasons for such variances. Further, the report also covers discussion on the flexible budget being prepared for the company for the financial year 2015-16. Budget Vs Actual and Variance Analysis The company planned to operate at the capacity of 17,060 hours for the financial year 2015-16. At this capacity level, the planned revenues of the company were $947,800 with the expectations of earning $19,191 as net profit after meeting all the costs (appendix-1). However, when the actual financial performance was compared with the budgeted, it was found that the company was short by $2,917 in achieving the profits. The variance analysis was conducted to find out the reasons for the differences in the budgeted and actual profit. The variance report indicates that the revenues of the company increased by $55,390 but despite that the net profit reduced by $2,917 (appendix-2). The reduction in profit was mainly due to increase in the costs such as salaries for major repair services, material for new tables, advertisement, and office rent. Among these the biggest variance was observed to be in the salaries for major repair services, which were found to be over spent by $48,552 (Appendix-2). The actual hours worked for the financial year 2015-16 were 19,543, which exceed to the budgeted hours by 2,483 hours. The salaries for major repairs were payable on per hour basis, which implies that these were variable. Due to of being variable nature, the excess actual hours increased the spending on salaries for major repairs substantially in the financial year 2015-16. Flexible Budget The flexible budget for Wildwood Creations Ltd for the financial year 2015-16 has been shown in appendix-3 (Crosson Needles, 2010). The flexible budget depicts that the revenues of the company should have been $1,149,199.42 at the actual capacity utilization. Although, the actual revenues are greater than the budgeted figures, but, since the actual hours worked have increased to 19,543, the revenues of the company should have increased to $1,149,199.42. Further, the total variable cost was budgeted at $902,016, which, having regard to the increment in the capacity level should have been 1,033,300.04. However, since the fixed costs remain the same, therefore, the fixed costs do not change in the flexible budget (Crosson Needles, 2010). The total profit as per flexible budget is $34,699.80, which is greater than the budgeted profit of $19,191. Conclusion From the analysis, it could be articulated that the companys financial performance has been poor in the financial year 2015-16. At the actual level of capacity utilization, the company should have achieved a profit of $34,699.38 while the company earned only $16,274. In order strengthens the financial performance; the company should lower down the salary cost incurred on major repairs. For this purpose, the company can consider switching from contract base work to permanent salaried employees who will be paid on a monthly basis. References Berger, A. (2011). Standard costing, variance analysis and decision-making. GRIN Verlag. Crosson, S.V. Needles, B.E. (2010). Managerial accounting. Cengage Learning.
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